Product Reviews
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Partner Reviews
Shark Tanks Meets Farmulated CBD
Original Shark Tank Judge and Entrepreneur Kevin Harrington first began using our products in the spring of 2021, and just a few months later, he had joined the Farmulated CBD Freeze Roll-On Gel fan club along with so many of our other loyal and first-time customers.
Other customer favorites? Our expanding line of Full Spectrum and Isolate CBD Oils are available to both humans and pets, and our full product lineup offers a little something for everyone!
Customer Reviews
“I started using Farmulated CBD products about 5 months ago for pain I get from sciatica. The pain is all but gone! I also enjoy their dark chocolate bars and gummies for those days at work when I’m having anxiety or feeling stressed. Shipping is super fast! Also, if you’re new to this call them! They are so knowledgeable and they will be able to tell you exactly what you need. Thank you, Farmulated CBD!”
- Jessica C.
"I was a little skeptical, but I used the roll on CBD on my hip which hurts every day and within a few mins I had amazing relief! I’m so thankful for finding something that will provide relief! I highly recommend it."
- Lisa T.
"My husband has ALS; right now it’s just in his arms which leaves them weak and atrophied. He works 10-12 hour days. By the time he gets home from work he barely has enough energy to eat. I started him on the CBD oil and after taking it for a couple of weeks he has a lot more energy and feels more motivated. After he eats he will go outside and work for another 1.5 hours. He hasn’t done this for at least 8 years."
- Kriss B.
"I have been using Farmulated's Full Spectrum CBD Oil for four months. It has helped me in ways I just can't believe. My high blood pressure is the lowest it has been in 40 years. It lowered my A1C diabetes and is helping the pain from my arthritis. I highly recommend this product."
- Carol D.
"I have dogs who benefit from the Farmulated Pet Treats and Oil. My older gal, Gracie, takes the oil daily to keep a lively step as she ages. CeCe suffers from anxiety from loud, abrupt noises (fireworks, thunderstorms, etc.) so the pet treats and oil taken daily alleviate her stress. I have one dog who travels frequently…Farmulated pet products helped her relax and settle in. Farmulated CBD is an effective product and is another tool in the toolbox should the need ever arise with my other dogs."
- Betsy O.
"I have been using the CBD oil and absolutely love it. It has helped me so much with back pain relief, anxiety and even diminished my hot flashes! I have also used the CBD Roll On Gel and love it for muscle pain! Very pleased with your products and highly recommend! Thank you for your great service, products and super fast shipping!"
- Sharon T.
"I began using the full spectrum formula 5 months ago. It has helped regulate my blood pressure as well as helped with arthritis pain. I highly recommend this product!!"
- Terri G.
"Been using this product for over a month now. Definitely helps with aches and pains. Super fast shipping! Highly recommend these products!"
- Jay S.
After taking this product for two weeks I’ve thrown out my pills. I also have gotten better sleep. Thank you."
- E. Shawn W.